In A Haze


Since I've come back from Europe it feels as though I've been in a haze, and my trip to Melbourne reinforced those feelings. The post holiday blues has set in and adjusting to "reality" and "normal life" has been a lot more difficult than on previous occasions. And to be perfectly honest I have felt a little lost. Normally I wouldn't write a personal post, but I've decided to share this one because most people know me as a self-confessed pessimist and how I have been feeling over the last two months has actually positively changed my perspective on a lot of things.

I've realised that feeling outside of your comfort zone means there is great opportunity to grow, discover and challenge yourself. The key thing is to firstly be thankful, even for the smallest things - too often we take these for granted and don't realise how lucky we actually are. Secondly don't be afraid of failure, John Powell said "the only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing". If you don't ask or try, you will never know what could have been. And thirdly believe in yourself - easier said then done, I know! Building your confidence is a consistent work in progress, but if you believe in yourself others will too! Of late I have found writing down all my skills has helped boost my self-confidence as well as celebrating even the smallest wins!Dress: Bul similar here, Vintage Earrings: Shag Melbourne, Bag: My Greta-te, Shoes: Betts Photos by Lei Lei Clavey

Hopefully this will inspire someone else who is feeling a little lost. If you've got any other tips I'd love to hear them. Xx Nadine


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